Chillventa | Technological Process Perfection by employing Digital Twin
  • Event: Fachforen
  • Stream: Kältetechnik
  • Thema: Kältetechnik

Technological Process Perfection by employing Digital Twin

How the Digitalisation of the technological process can improve the efficiency and reduce cost of industrial refrigeration





Wann & Wo


Di, 08.10.2024, 11:00 – 11:20


Halle 7A / 7A-638


Format: Vortrag

Sprache: Englisch


Industries are currently facing the Industry revolution 4.0. There are few different, complex descriptions for what Industry 4.0 revolution is about. But the key point is “real-time decision making”, which of course requires data, on which these decisions will be based on. So, Industry revolution 4.0 is about Data and Digitalization. Industries need this revolution to keep pace with competition, follow the Europe’s Green Course. EU funds support digitalization of manufacturing, on the other hand, pollution taxes make companies invest towards cleaner and more efficient production.
There are thousands of companies ready to invest in Industry 4.0 solutions. And the outcome which can be expected from such an investment range from 15 to 30%.
The fastest and easiest way to revolutionize production is a Digital Solution, which requires little to no hardware modernization and allows companies to benefit from the investment in 2-6 months. EA-SAS solution provides customers with production cost reduction, higher speed, better efficiency. This can be accomplished with the help of large amount of production data, gathered at the production plant each minute.
Digital Twin is a digital copy of the processes happening in the factory. By activating Digital Twin, customers can reach energy and technology efficiency immediately. Digitalization leads to better management of industrial processes, allows companies to reach satisfactory optimization results without replacing its current equipment. By deploying our solution, customers can digitalize most of the processes which were previously based on paperwork.
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Zilvinas Salialionis

Business development
Energy Advice