Chillventa | Retrofitting R-744 Systems for Heatwave Resilience with the PX G1300 Pressure Exchanger
  • Event: Fachforen
  • Stream: Kältetechnik
  • Thema: Kältetechnik

Retrofitting R-744 Systems for Heatwave Resilience with the PX G1300 Pressure Exchanger

Discover how integrating the PX G1300 pressure exchanger into existing R-744 systems can safeguard against heatwaves by increasing cooling capacity, high-temperature rack stability, and energy efficiency.





Wann & Wo


Mi, 09.10.2024, 12:20 – 12:40


Halle 7A / 7A-638


Format: Vortrag

Sprache: Englisch


Join this presentation to learn how Energy Recovery’s PX G1300 can safeguard R-744 refrigeration systems against heatwaves with increased cooling capacity, high-temperature rack stability, and energy efficiency while reducing water reliance. Adaptable to diverse system architectures, the PX G1300 boosts the coefficient of performance (COP) across virtually all transcritical R-744 systems, offering a compelling retrofit solution for those grappling with rising temperatures and energy expenses. 
Installed in collaboration with Epta at a supermarket in Northern Itay, the PX G1300 has been recorded to enhance COP by over 25 % at 35-40 °C and over 30 % above 40 °C compared to a standard R-744 booster system. Awarded prestigious honors such as the ACR News Refrigeration Product of the Year, Atmosphere's Innovation of the Year Award, and RAC Cooling Award’s Product of the Year (in collaboration with Epta Group), the PX G1300 pressure exchanger is a game-changing innovation for R-744 refrigeration. 
The PX G1300 captures the lost pressure in the system and recycles it, providing free compression and reducing compressor workload and energy consumption. Like a fluid piston, the PX G1300 efficiently transfers energy between high-pressure and low-pressure liquid and gas through continuously rotating ducts. It expands the refrigerant, like a valve, but recovers expansion energy and provides compression.  
The PX G1300 is unique because it can operate across a wide range of temperatures in both subcritical and transcritical modes. Because the PX G1300 is powered by pressure, when the temperature rises, the PX G1300 can drive even more performance from the system and functions at an almost zero electricity footprint.   
This presentation will demonstrate how the PX G1300 has been integrated into supermarket locations across Europe and share performance data from across the globe, equipping attendees with a first-hand look at how they can proactively safeguard their R-744 refrigeration systems against heatwaves.  
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Darren Lacroix

Account Manager 
Energy Recovery