Chillventa | CAREL Applica – the new way to interact with electronic controllers and make technicians’ work easier
  • Event: Fachforen
  • Stream: Anwendungen & Ausbildung & Regelwerke
  • Thema: Anwendungen & Ausbildung & Regelwerke

CAREL Applica – the new way to interact with electronic controllers and make technicians’ work easier

Enhance interaction with your HVAC/Refrigeration unit using Applica, the smartphone app for CAREL controllers. Save time during commissioning with your smartphone as an advanced interface and gain valuable troubleshooting and maintenance insights.





Wann & Wo


Do, 10.10.2024, 13:20 – 13:40


Halle 8 / 8-516


Format: Vortrag

Sprache: Englisch


Time and installation complexity are paramount concerns for HVAC and refrigeration technicians. To assist our customers in addressing these daily challenges, CAREL has leveraged the ubiquitous smartphone, the most commonly available work tool found in everyone's pockets. Download and install Applica, the app that connects your smartphone to the latest generation of CAREL controllers, utilizing embedded NFC and Bluetooth connectivity. Just as electronic controllers replaced the rotating temperature dial of mechanical thermostats, Applica now evolves beyond traditional 7-LED segment displays, streamlining field operations.

By providing a single app capable of managing every CAREL controller, we ensure a consistent user experience and a family feeling. The app dynamically adapts to the connected device, optimizing its functionalities for specific HVAC/Refrigeration applications. With Applica, you can expedite unit commissioning thanks to a configuration wizard that enables complete controller setup through 5 simple questions. Verify system functionality before startup using the outputs test mode, allowing you to check all connected loads easily and safely.

After initial configuration, export and share the configuration file with colleagues or save it in your smartphone as a backup. Gain deeper insights into unit performance through controller data logs and Applica maintenance features, including historic data, alarm logs, and variable trends. These functionalities empower technicians to identify and address issues swiftly and effectively.

Furthermore, to provide comprehensive support to HVAC & Refrigeration technicians, CAREL offers a free dedicated learning portal featuring tutorials on Applica and how to leverage it in tandem with our most popular electronic controllers.
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Giovanni Carli

Sales & Marketing - Application Specialist