Chillventa CONGRESS – Heat Pumping Technologies
Participants could gain expert insights into new developments and trends in heat pump technology.
Chillventa CONGRESS – Heat Pumping Technologies for Residential, Commercial and Industrial Applications
The lecture series on new developments and trends in heat pump technology on Monday – 7 October 2024 – was organized by the Informationszentrum Wärmepumpen und Kältetechnik (Information Centre on Heat Pumps and Refrigeration | IZW).
It covered the following key themes:
- Energy Efficiency in Industrial Drying (IEA HPT project)
- Heat pumps in a circular economy (IEA HPT project)
- Pure Refrigerants vs. Zeotropic Mixtures in Heat Pumps
- Safety with flammable refrigerants (IEA HPT project)
- Steam Compressors for Heat Pumps
- How semi-hermetic compressors can simplify the switch to R717.
- Thermal energy storage with a heat pump
- Smart Heat Pumps
All lectures have been recorded so that CONGRESS participants are able to watch them again afterwards.