Chillventa | Indoor air quality
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  • Event: Specialist forums
  • Stream: AC & Ventilation & Heatpumps
  • Topic: Highlight 1, Ventilation

Indoor air quality

The presentation is about indoor air quality in buildings. Different ways to improve air quality will be discussed. In the direct context, air filters will be considered in more detail. In addition, general principles of air filter systems will be taught. (machine translated)







When & Where


Thu, 13.10.2022, 10:00 – 10:20


Format: Lecture

Language: German


The topic of the presentation is indoor air quality in private and public buildings. Good air is as important for health as exercise or a balanced diet. The World Health Organization proves this in its new air quality guidelines. People spend up to 90% of their lives indoors, yet they pay little attention to the air they breathe every day.

Sources of pollutants are not only a contaminated outdoor air, but also indoor processes themselves. Especially in the pandemic period, the supply of systems for air purification has increased significantly and developed a great variety. Different ventilation systems will be discussed. In addition to a classic supply of outdoor air, there are also many devices that operate partially or completely in recirculation mode. Combined with the right choice of filter, there is a great potential to increase our quality of life.

Conversely, there are also some typical fallacies in the operation of such equipment, which are clarified. Air filters are available on the market with very different filter efficiencies. From the coarse "sieve" to the high-performance product in hospitals, there is a suitable product for every application. The choice of filter must therefore be made depending on environmental conditions. The conditions themselves sometimes vary greatly in terms of location and time. In addition, the operation of the ventilation system plays a major role in efficiently improving air quality. The best filter can have no effect if, for example, the air exchange rate is designed too low.

(machine translated)

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Foto juttner-nils

Nils Juttner

Mitglied im Arbeitskreis Luftfilter
VDMA Klima- und Lüftungstechnik

Recording of the session

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