Micro Chanel Heat Exchanger, a new heat exchange technology that started in the 1980s, has high heat exchange effciency, small size, light weight, less charing and great cost advantages. When used together with environment friendly refrigerants, it is very suitable for efficient and compact heat exchange scenarios. Now it has been videly applicated in various refrigeration and heat dissipation industries. CoolingMall has divised design for Micro Channel Heat Exchanger, spertine and parrel, one layer and multi-layer, different housing, different coating, different bending etc..
The thermosiphon cooling system is based on the two-phase change technology. By injecting refrigerant into the cold plate, the heat of IGBT is transfered into the heat exchanger with larger area for heat dissipation. It relies on gravity drive, only the fan consumes electricity, and its power consumption is only 1/10 of the traditional system, energy saving. Coolingmall is one of the few factories in China that has mass production experience of thermosiphon cooling system.