Chillventa | PharmaBlastFreeze - Blast Freezer for Bulkware

Hall 9 / Booth Number 9-215e

PharmaBlastFreeze - Blast Freezer for Bulkware

Key Facts

  • Only natural refrigerant air R729
  • Automation and visualization system with FDA requirements according to 21 CFR, Part 11
  • Available in two options - Green: open air cycle machine - Clean:closed air cycle maschine and cleanable V4A-stainless-steel-HX for clean room requirements


  • Chill room and frozen food storage room
  • Industrial refrigeration

Key Facts

  • Only natural refrigerant air R729
  • Automation and visualization system with FDA requirements according to 21 CFR, Part 11
  • Available in two options - Green: open air cycle machine - Clean:closed air cycle maschine and cleanable V4A-stainless-steel-HX for clean room requirements


  • Chill room and frozen food storage room
  • Industrial refrigeration
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Product information

Controlled blast freezer for demanding products in the temperature range from +50°C to -100°C for bulk ware from HOF using air refrigeration machine from Mirai Intex with high temperature accuracy.

Can be installed in non-classified rooms or integrated into the sterile area with easy clean welded stainless-steel interior.

The system is equipped with an appropriate automation and visualization system with FDA requirements according to 21 CFR, Part 11

Your sustainable and flexible solution for freezing and thawing sensitive products like blood plasma, enzyme and protein.

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Product Expert


Tobias Wurz

project engineer

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