{{#each (getBooths HallNumber BoothNumber '|')}} Hall {{this.hall}} / Booth Number {{this.booth}} {{/each}}
Latest topics to discuss: 16/04/2024 - China and German begin a dialogue on the subject of the ci...
Visit Energy Recovery at booth 7A-270 to learn how the award-winning PX G1300® pressure exchanger...
A highly successful Refra Ignis reversible heat pump installed at a new €20 million flower proces...
While the outlook for the industry is promising, a number of old and new challenges are emerging....
By putting steps in place to overcome existing barriers, this project associated with IEA Heat Pu...
Chillventa industry news provides you with a detailed overview of the key innovations, trends and issues in the refrigeration, air-conditioning, ventilation and heat-pump sector! Subscribe now and keep your finger on the pulse!