Chillventa | AREA position on the certification of personnel in the context of the F-Gas 3.0
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  • Event: Specialist forums
  • Stream: Applications & Education & Regulations
  • Topic: Applications & Education & Regulations

AREA position on the certification of personnel in the context of the F-Gas 3.0

New rules are coming in the use of fluorinated refrigerants, but no rule is effective without a set of skill able to make it work on the field. Educational programs are the condition to let the goals of the new F-Gas regulation become concrete.





When & Where


Thu, 10.10.2024, 14:10 – 14:20


Hall 8 / 8-516


Format: Lecture

Language: English


The F-Gas regulation 573/24 is stressing the role of "alternative" gases to work for decarbonisation and climate impact reduction. Most of them are flammable, explosive, toxic, dangerous (pressure in plant three/four time more than fluorinated gases). Most of the producers are worried about the lack of readiness of their maintenance networks in taking care of these new solutions and their safety and efficiency consequences. The actual and recordable level of competence about these issues have been defined throughout education and certification programmes and this means that people operating with these gases are now going to attend training courses and be reskilled to be able to cope with the issues, dangers and risks embedded in the use of them. Any undertaking and personnel MUST be aware and skilled in manipulating them, for both his safety and the environment. Efficiency is a further goal, in a moment when energy cost is running high. As per now, the presence of different regulations such as F-Gas and EcoDesign means that operators must be able to match two different scopes and guidelines and obtain a sort of unique protocol for their daily work. Let's focus on the NEED of education about "alternatives", in order to have an environmentally respectful, efficient and safe HVAC&R landscape. But at the same time let’s put emphasis on the real need of a coherent and “one-folded” text governing the whole matter, so to enable workers to be sure about the rules they have to accomplish to.

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